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Faculty Resources

NUIN Questions

You can find a list of NUIN administrators and faculty leaders and their contact information below and on the Meet Our Team page:

You can also contact NUIN faculty leadership directly via the NUIN Director email addresses.

Become a NUIN Member or Preceptor

NUIN Members are invited to advertise their laboratories and recruit NUIN students by creating a profile on the website, attending the annual retreat, and participating in admissions and research talks aimed at new students, among other activities. A NUIN Member becomes a NUIN Preceptor when a NUIN student joins their lab for their thesis research. Both NUIN Members and Preceptors are added to the NUIN_Faculty and NUIN_All email listservs where they can be kept informed of neuroscience-related events in the community. Faculty are asked to provide service ranging from teaching in NUIN classes, serving on thesis committees, screening or interviewing applicants during admissions, to joining NUIN committees. 

To become a NUIN Member, faculty should email a copy of their CV, a research description tailored to their neuroscience research, and a paragraph on how they will contribute to the NUIN graduate program to the NUIN Associate Director, Dr. Jena Pitman-Leung

Accepting a NUIN Student 

Students typically complete three 10-week rotations in different laboratories before committing to a thesis advisor. Most decisions are made in mid-June, and students begin full-time research in the laboratory that summer. To formalize the agreement, students, their thesis advisors, and their department Chairs are asked to sign the NUIN Thesis Advisor Agreement, which details the financial and mentor commitment from the advosir, and outlines curricular requirements for NUIN students. Contact Dr. Jena Pitman-Leung for the most recent copy of the NUIN Advisor Agreement.

Frequently Used Documents & Forms

  • NUIN Student Handbook
  • Links to Guides and Forms (Appendices for Handbook):
    • Guides (for students): 
      • Appendix I. First Year Requirements 
      • Appendix II. Individual Development Plans
      • Appendix III. NUIN Qualifying Exam Guide
      • Appendix IV. NUIN Proposal and Committee Guide
    • Forms:
      • Appendix IX. Seminar Attendance Form (for students)
      • Appendix V. NUIN Qualifying Exam Assessment (for committee members)
      • Appendix VI. NUIN Thesis Proposal-Committee Meeting Status Form (for student and committee)
      • Appendix VII. MSTP Thesis Committee Form (for student and committee)
      • Appendix VIII. Guidelines for NUIN Thesis Committees (for committee members)
      • Appendix X. Student Relatives of NUIN Faculty Policy

Northwestern Resources

The Graduate School (TGS)

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