Academic Timeline
First Year:
- NUIN 401-1, 401-2, 401-3 – Fundamentals of Neuroscience (Required; 3 quarters, 3 units)
- NUIN 407 – NUIN Graduate Foundations (Required, 0 Unit)
- Electives (typically 2 electives in the first year)
- NUIN 490 – Responsible Conduct of Neuroscience Research (0 Unit)
- NUIN 590 – 3 in person laboratory rotations (additional if necessary)
- Seminar Attendance Requirement (6 per quarter in Fall, Winter, Spring)
- Meet with Advising Committee 4 times during the year
- Identify a graduate Thesis Advisor and begin working in their laboratory
- Complete required safety training (online and in-person)
- Complete all coursework, including a required approved Biostatistics course
- Complete Teaching Assistant requirements
- Register for NUIN 590 each quarter
- Meet with Advising Committee twice during the year
- Begin research in thesis laboratory
- Complete Qualifying Exam and achieve PhD Candidacy by August 31st
- Create and submit an IDP
- Register for TGS 500 – Advanced Doctoral Study
- Conduct thesis research
- Present PACT – Post-Advancement to Candidacy Talk
- Form and have initial meeting with Thesis Committee
- Present Thesis Proposal (also referred to as a Prospectus)
- Create and submit an IDP
- Conduct thesis research
- Register for TGS 500 – Advanced Doctoral Study
- Meet with Thesis Committee (annually)
- Create and submit an IDP (annually)
- Publish at least one first author article
- Write and defend dissertation