Laboratory Research Rotations
Students are required to complete research rotations in a minimum of 3 different laboratories. These usually take place Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters of the first year. In some cases, previous research at NU will count towards the rotation requirement. Arranging laboratory rotations is primarily the responsibility of the student. NUIN Advisors will provide guidance to students during each advising session.
Campus Breadth Recommendation:
Students are expected to do at least 1 rotation on each campus. Students who wish to complete all rotations on one campus must submit a petition to the NUIN Assistant Director outlining the scientific reason for their choices and indicating why there are no suitable options on the opposite campus.
Rotation Evaluations
The rotation advisor completes an online evaluation that the student will receive near the end of the rotation. Students and rotation advisors are encouraged to have an exit interview to go over the evaluation and discuss the rotation experience.
Laboratory Rotation Requirements
Students complete a scientific poster, written laboratory report, and oral data presentation as end of rotation requirements for Fall, Winter and Spring quarters respectively.
Joining a Laboratory
Thesis Advisors are selected based on research interests and mentorship, and, most importantly, a mutual fit between the advisor and laboratory environment and the student. Students can initiate discussions about joining a laboratory at any time, but are expected to either join a laboratory or begin another rotation a week before the end of the Spring Quarter of their first year. Students should send an email to NUIN stating the choice of thesis laboratory once a NUIN faculty member has agreed to act as their Thesis Advisor. NUIN will then send a Thesis Advisor Agreement letter to the Thesis Advisor outlining the funding structure and program requirements. This letter must be signed by the Thesis Advisor, Department Chair, student, and BSA representative (if the Thesis Advisor holds their primary appointment in a basic science department at FSM), and returned to the program.